Abogado y Magister en Ciencia Política. Ha desempeñado cargos de Alta Dirección en instituciones públicas y privadas, asumiendo responsabilidades en diversas Instituciones de Educación Superior como Rector de la Universidad del Alba, Decano Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Universidad San Sebastián, Rector y Fiscal de la Universidad Central de Chile. Contralor Universitario de la Universidad de Santiago. Profesor universitario en programas de pre y postgrado, tanto en el ámbito del Derecho Público, Derecho Administrativo, Probidad y Ética.
Rafael Rosell Aiquel, Lawyer and Master of Political Science. He has held senior management positions in public and private institutions, assuming responsibilities in different Higher Education Institutions such as Rector of the Universidad del Alba, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of San Sebastián University, Rector and Prosecutor of Central University of Chile. University Comptroller of the University of Santiago. University professor in undergraduate and postgraduate programs, both in the field of Public Law, Administrative Law, Probity and Ethics.
Rector Universidad Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Administrativos (SNSPA), Rumanía. Ex ministro de Educación. Vicepresidente de la International Association of Universities (IAU). Ex presidente del FAP ALC-UE (2018-2022)
Rector National University of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), Romania. Former Minister of Education. Vice President of the International Association of Universities (IAU). Former president of the FAP LAC-UE (2018-2022)
Ex rector de la Universidad de Alcalá, España. Secretario General electo de la International Association of University Presidents (IAUP). Ex presidente del FAP ALC-UE (2014-2018)
Former rector of the University of Alcalá, Spain. Elect Secretary General of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP). Former president of the FAP LAC-UE (2014-2018)
Profesor-investigador del IELAT, Universidad de Alcalá. Ex embajador de Chile en Ginebra y Montevideo. Miembro del Comité de Planificación de The Millennium Project Global Futures Studies & Research.
Professor-researcher at IELAT, University of Alcalá. Former Chilean ambassador in Geneva and Montevideo. Member of the Planning Committee of The Millennium Project Global Futures Studies & Research.
Vicepresidente del Instituto de las Américas. Profesor de ciencias económicas en IHEAL – Universidad Sorbonne Nouvelle, y Senior Advisor en France Education International- Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Francia.
Vice President of the Institute of the Americas. Professor of economic sciences at IHEAL – Sorbonne Nouvelle University, and Senior Advisor at France Education International-Ministry of National Education of France.
Se desempeño como Embajadora de Las Islas Granadinas en Estados Unidos y México.
Director del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (ISLA). Presidente del Senado Universitario. Universidad Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Administrativos (SNSPA), Rumanía.
Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies (ISLA). President of the University Senate. National University of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), Romania.
Director del Instituto Latinoamericano de Relaciones Internacionales (ILRI), Universidad Miguel de Cervantes. Ex embajador de Chile ante la Unión Europea.
Director of the Latin American Institute of International Relations (ILRI), Miguel de Cervantes University. Former Chilean ambassador to the European Union.